Monday, August 15, 2011


Lips as red as strawberries
Hair as smooth as silk
Skin as soft as velvet
I’m getting ahead of myself
 Hands Racing up velvety thighs
Peaches against strawberry lips
Forbidden lust hidden behind silent looks
It’s something to always miss

(Not done...Kinda stuck)


Sometimes he is gone.
I’ll wake up and realize that I barely said goodbye at all. And it rocks me to the core to realize how alone I really am. So I’ll bury myself within my sheets to isolate my feelings.
But then it reaches me.
That distinct smell, that could only be your smell. It’s floating around me, everywhere. It’s just like you. The smell that embraces me and holds me close when you do.
It smells heavenly.
It’s musky like your slightly lazy exterior. But it’s that tangy sweet smell on the inside, just like you.
You’re my savior.
And this bed, with it’s sheets and blankets and pillows that smell just like you,
Is my sanctuary.
It’s where I go so I can get entangled in your embrace.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dream City

Dream City

The lust is darkness burning across the grazing hills. The heat is dry ice burning a whole into flesh.
I can feel your eyes glancing at me. Not looking your way as not to give you that satisfaction.
For we have built this dream city where only we can run, who dares interrupt?
This is the place that only They told me about.
Once someone outside of us asked about this dream world.
“I don’t know of what you speak of.” I replied as my cat swept by my leg.

Cats are said to come when one is gone, I thought as I jumped back to reality.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hiding behind the walls,
A face that shows no glee,
Look close and you will see,
A hidden little smile
In each glance, a mystery.
A heart with an invisible beat,
So many secrets I need to keep
Hoarding in the vessels that swim through me.
The intensity of this confusion
is nothing more than never seen
a mumble and jumble of words
and they all belong to me.
A race to the finish
A race to the end.
A race to diminish
These conforming Trends.
On a mission to Complete,
On a mission to succeed,
A mission to serve, to help, to please.
In this body of hidden things never seen.
It wont be long till it doesn't mean a thing.

{Written Years Ago}

What Do You Know About?

What Do You Know About?

You think you’re better than me
I’m thoughtless, I need a remedy
With your knowledge over the subjects that you seek
You hide behind your philosophers at their peak
Aristotle and Socrates
Your math equations and inequalities
Pi and quadratic equations
Your biology mutilations
Kingdoms and ribosomes
Your chemistry atoms
With your laws and molecule compounds
Your psychology know how’s
The five horsemen of the apocalypse
Computer science with microchips
Learning <html> code and cleaning dics
Your physical education, normalizing 85 bpm
Knowledge of your body mass overtaken by fat
And you sitting over there, art brat
Knowing your Kara Walkers apart from your Picasso
But is that all you know?
The subject I specializing in, is me.
I know why I do what I do, it’s something you cannot see
I’ve evaluated my thoughts, my actions
I’ve realized my passions
Knowing myself is what I do best
That is the ultimate test
If that is something that you need to chew,
Than that’s more than I can say for you.


My name is Ariel Martin-Reed.

I'm 20 years old and attending college at PCC for now. Recently I have taken a poetry class and it has done what I wanted it to and sparked that creative flow that I thought I was missing within my writings. Realizing that the class was coming to an end I wanted somewhere I could share my writings with other people and I didn't want to use Facebook so I am creating a poetry blog. If you enjoy my poetry please follow my blog and I encourage you to do the same if you are a writer or artist of any kind. :] I might switch to making a Tumblr, but, I doubt it.
So please, Enjoy.